Thursday, 24 January 2013

Husky evening

This afternoon/evenings trip was quite eventful.

Firstly, we were the only "guests" which was quite nice and we got off to a good start with our team of 6 huskies being full of energy and giving us an exciting ride through the darkness. We were due a half way stop for hot drinks at a Kota (Lappish wigwam) but just before arriving, our team decided to take a short cut through the thick snow and as a result tried to tip Ingrid out of the sleigh (Pete trying hard (and succeeding) to keep it upright). No damage done, just a face full of snow for Ingrid!!!

After a warming drink, we set off on the return journey but after a short while, came to a very abrupt halt as one of our lead dogs, Konsta, had an epileptic fit!! One of our guides took him back to the husky farm on her snow mobile, whilst we continued, minus a dog! The dogs had to work a bit harder but we made it back and we have been assured that Konsta will be fine after a night's rest.

We've since had a pleasant dinner, a glass or two of wine, a game of cards and will be heading for bed soon if we don't get a "lights" call out.

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